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How to disable Chrome tab sharing (Handoff) in MacOS

How to disable Chrome tab sharing handoff in MacOS
howchoo   (467)
September 7, 2023
2 minutes


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mac • 24 guides
osx • 6 guides
macos • 20 guides

By default, macOS and OSX will offer to share your Chrome tabs between your Mac and iOS devices via iCloud sharing. This short guide will show you how to disable the Google Chrome dock sharing icon and Handoff functionality in macOS and OSX.

Once you are done disabling this Handoff feature, check out our guide on how to create tab groups in google chrome with the new tab groups feature.

1 – Open System Preferences

open system references

Click the Apple icon in the top left of your screen and select System Preferences.

🛈 You can also press CMD-SPACEBAR and type System Preferences.

2 – Go to General

go to general

Click General to access the General Preferences pane.

3 – Uncheck the tab sharing option

Uncheck the tab sharing option

Uncheck the Allow Handoff between this Mac and your iCloud devices option. You’re all done!


How to Enable the “Popping” Sound When Adjusting the Volume on Your Mac

howchoo   (467)
December 13, 2023

Starting with MacOS Sierra and High Sierra, your Mac will no longer play a “pop” sound when you adjust your volume. If you prefer to have this sound when you adjust volume up and down (as I do), this guide will teach you how to reenable it. 1 – Open Sound System Preferences Navigate to System

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 467 guides

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