Don’t Pull the Plug: How to Safely Shut Down or Reboot Your Raspberry Pi

What you'll need
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Like any computer, simply pulling the plug on your Pi can have dire consequences; but unlike most computers, the Raspberry Pi does not have a native power button. The following commands should be used to safely shut down or reboot your Pi. Obviously, these commands should be run from the command line. Note: You must have sudo privileges to run sudo commands. The default raspberry pi user has such privileges so this shouldn’t be an issue unless you’ve drastically altered your Pi’s user configuration.
1 – Shutdown command
sudo halt
This is shorthand for the following:
sudo shutdown -h now
An explanation:
sudo - run the command as superuser
shutdown - shut down the pi
-h - halt after shutting down (do not reboot)
now - do this now (required time command)
2 – Reboot command
sudo reboot
This is shorthand for the following:
sudo shutdown -r now
An explanation:
sudo - run the command as superuser
shutdown - shut down the pi
-r - reboot the pi after shutting down
now - do this now (required time command)
3 – Using a power button
You can also safely shut down the Pi by adding a Pi power button!

How to Add a Power Button to Your Raspberry Pi
Because you should always safely shut down your Pi.