How to Automatically Boot into the Raspberry Pi Desktop (GUI)

What you'll need
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Is your Raspberry Pi booting into the command line (CLI) by default? This short guide will show you how to boot into Raspberry Pi OS Desktop automatically instead!
1 – Connect to your Pi
Log into your Pi via SSH or connect a monitor and keyboard to get to the command line.

How to Connect to a Raspberry Pi Remotely via SSH
The preferred (and most common) method of connecting to your Pi to run commands.
2 – Configure to boot into Raspberry Pi OS Desktop (with raspi-config)
Type the following command:
sudo raspi-config
Then, use your arrow keys to navigate to Enable Boot to Desktop and press enter. Select the Desktop login option and press enter.
Reboot and you’re good to go!
3 – Configure to boot into Raspberry Pi OS Desktop (without raspi-config)
Alternatively, you can make the same change without using the raspi-config GUI by running the following command:
sudo update-rc.d lightdm disable